Why is touch typing important?

Touch typing is a valuable skill that can have a significant impact on various aspects of one's life, both academically and professionally. The ability to type quickly and accurately without looking at the keyboard can enhance overall productivity and efficiency. The ELIA Font keyboard overlay aids in learning and improving its users touch typing skills. Here are some key points highlighting the importance of touch typing:

  1. Speed 

    Touch typing can significantly increase typing speed. Once mastered, typists can achieve speeds of 60 words per minute (wpm) or more, compared to the average 38-40 wpm for non-touch typists.

  2. Accuracy

    Touch typing often leads to higher accuracy because it relies on muscle memory rather than visual confirmation, reducing the likelihood of typographical errors.

  3. Efficiency

    With touch typing, your fingers remain on the home row, minimizing the time spent moving between keys. This efficiency can save time, particularly during tasks that involve a lot of typing, such as writing reports or emails.

  4. Improved Posture

    Touch typing encourages proper hand and finger positioning, which can reduce strain on the hands, wrists, and arms. This can help prevent repetitive strain injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome.

  5. Better Focus

    When you're not constantly looking at the keyboard, you can maintain better focus on the content you're typing, leading to increased productivity and fewer distractions.

  6. Transferable Skill

    Touch typing is a skill that can be applied across various devices, from computers to smartphones and tablets, making it a valuable skill in today's digital world.

  7. Professionalism

    Efficient typing skills can enhance your professional image, whether you're writing emails, reports, or other documents. It can convey competence and proficiency to employers and colleagues.

  8. Accessibility

    Touch typing can be particularly beneficial for individuals with visual impairments, as it allows them to type without relying on visual cues.

  9. Life-long Skill

    Once learned, touch typing is a skill that stays with you for life. It can save time and effort in numerous personal and professional endeavors.

  10. Adaptability

    In an increasingly digital world, where typing is an essential skill, touch typing provides a strong foundation for adapting to new technologies and software interfaces.

Practice your touch typing skills with your ELIA Frames™ Keyboard Overlay